Both the 82 and the 65 scopes will take filters. Thin mount filters will fit (with a bit of a struggle) in front of the objective
lenses rather than on the hoods.
While the 82 has a plain glass element fitted in front of the APO
objective as a protective measure, the 65 does not.
65/82 Televid Accessories
Digital Adapter 3
Digital Adapter 4 for D-Lux 4 camera.
The LEICA D-LUX 4 digital camera is ideal for digiscoping. When the protection ring on the lens is demounted the screw thread is free; this can then be used to fix the camera to the digiscoping adapter. which ensures that the mounting is true and the lens is exactly central.
As well as its high resolution and the high performance image processing technology the D-Lux 4 has two more important digiscoping benefits: it has an image stabalisation system that ensures steady images and with only a press of a button you can push the ISO-factor to 3200. Using this fast setting makes photography in low light, even early dawn, possible.
The two tripods Leica Trima 1 (compact magnesium tripod) and Leica Trica 1 (lightweight carbon fibre tripod)
ensure a stable base for your digiscoping kit. As opposed to the classic magnesium tripod Trima 1, the Trica 1 is 15 cm higher at 175cm
(without head) but weighs only 180g more and this low weight which will be much appreciated when carrying over longer distances.